Lift up the Shofar and loud let it ring, YAHUSHA is coming again!
Lift up the Shofar and loud let it ring, YAHUSHA is coming again!
Abrahamic Land promise was fulfilled 3000 years ago
According to many Christians the Feasts are Jewish
Acts Chapter 15 – The Jerusalem Council
A Day starts in the morning
An inconvenient truth
A message of Love
Are Jews Yahwes people today
Are there few to be saved?
Are You confused about Colossians 2:14-17
Are You living for eternity?
Are you saved or deceived?
Are You stuck in a box of man-made teachings and traditions?
A Set-apart people
Baptism in the name of Yahusha is necessary
Being in Covenant with Yahuwah
Beware of the Leaven of Pharisees
Beware of the Noachide Laws
Can you have faith without obedience?
Celebrating Pentecost
Christianity teaches, all you must do
Christianity teaches, all you must do – German Version
Christianity, the counterfeit gospel
Christians, it is time to come out of Babylon
Commandments, statutes, and judgments
Compromise – the Spirit of Compromise
Ellen G White, Prophet or NOT? (For Seventh Day Adventists)
Flee from Idolatry
Flesh and Blood cannot inherit the Kingdom
Galatians and the beggarly elements
Genealogies of Noah his Sons and grandsons
Heaven is a real place; you can live for eternity
heaven is a real place!
Heaven’s final warning
How can Yahuwah’s Laws be done away with?
How Christianity was invented
How to overcome daily battles
How we should pray
If God is so good, why ….
Is Prosperity and Material Possessions a sign that Yahuah is blessing You?
It’s all about Christmas
Judge Not
Keeping the Day Holy and not the Night
Lord, God, Jesus … Di you know
Marked or Sealed in Music
My people shall know my name
New Breakthrough Prayer
Obedience is the key to eternal life
One thing I know, I was blind but now I see
Outreach to a lost world
Peacemaker or Troublemaker
Purity – How to become a an or woman of purity?
Question, are you living for eternity?
Searching for the truth – CCC
Seeds are being sown in Africa
Shadow Pictures of things to come
Sorcery, are you bewitched
Strong Delusions
Strong Delusions (CCC)
The Book of the Covenant and the Book of the Law
The crucifixion and resurrection of Yahusha
The Holy Spirit is Not another person
The Jehovah and the Yeshua deceptions
The importance of celebrating the Passover of Yahusha
The Key of Knowledge
The King is coming
The Look back
The Millennium Deception
The name Isus, Iesous, Jesus is Zeus
The people of YHVH in the Bible were dark skinned
There is a time to be silent
The simplicity of the gospel of Yahusha
The story of a deceived and slain prophet
The story of a deceived and slain prophet
The Temple of Yahuwah
The two trees in the garden of Eden
The Ultimate Deception
The unpardonable sin
The Wave Sheaf
True Success
True Success
Understanding Spiritual Israel
Valentine’s Day
What about God and the name god?
What about Ephesians 2:14-16?
What am I? Am I a Christian or Jewish?
When we draw our last breath
Who are the 12 tribes of Israel?
Who deserves our worship?
Who is this God that I should listen to
Why Christianity is the unbiblical Gospel of
Why I keep the Feast days?
Why the Melchisedek Priesthood is so relevant for us today!
Why Yahuah’s Covenant Calendar is so important to understand!
Why Yahuah’s Covenant Calendar is so important to understand
Yahusha revealed from Genesis to Revelation
Yahuah’s name DNA
YHVH (Yahweh) is ONE
Abominations in the Bible
Are You a sheep or a Goat?
Are you wasting your Life?
Breaking Generational Curses
Depart from Me ye that work iniquity
Heading for the Promised Land
He hath shewed thee o man what is good
I never knew you
I just want your soul
Itching Ears
It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living Elohim
Jesus OR Yahusha?
Keeping the Day holy and not the night
New Covenant Deception
Obedience is better than sacrifice
Purpose of Life
Sabbath Or Sunday, which is it?
Strong Delusions
The Best is yet to come!
The inconvenient Truth
The Millennium Deception
The Origin of Christmas
The Pre-tribulation Rapture LIE
The Scapegoat
Strong Delusions
The Gospel Confusion
The Time is NOW
The Tithing Deception
The Value of a Soul
Wake Up, it is late!
Weeping and Gnashing of Teeth
What do I need to inherit eternal Life
What happens, when you die?
What is the World believers should shun?
What must I do to inherit eternal life?
Which nature do you feed?
Who will NOT enter Heaven?
Why do you want to die? Choose Life!
Without the Wedding Garment!
Worshiping in Vain!
Yoga, Relaxation or cult?
You have only one Life to life!
Are You Confused about Ephesians 2?
Be Not Afraid!
Come out of her my people
Easter Truth or Tradition
Eternal Life, a pious hope or a realistic expectation?
Is it a salvational issue?
Messiahs Life!
No Seal, No Salvation!
Revive Us Again!
Seek Yahweh while He may be found!
Shavuot or Pentecost
The Bottom Line!
The Day of Atonement
The Everlasting Covenant!
The Feast of Tabernacles
The Feast of Trumpets
The Feasts of Yahweh
The Greatest Love Story Seldom Told
The Law of Moses, a misnomer?
The Lost Name
The Mark of the Beast and the Islam!
The question that made me think!
The Red Rope of Hope!
The Sins of Jeroboam (NON-SDA)
The Sins of Jeroboam!
The Third Temple – Is it biblical?
The Truth about Easter!
There Arose another Generation
Trouble Maker or Peace Maker, which one are YOU?
We have a Hope
What happened to the First Century Church?
When does the Day start?
Who shall be Able to Stand?
Woe unto you, when all men speak well of you!
Does the Moon have any part in determining the beginning of the biblical Month and year?
Part 1 of 3 parts - 1 Hr 56 minutes
Part 2 of 3 - 1 Hr 24 minutes
Part 3 of 3 - 56 minutes
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